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Ameliorating The Impact Of Divorce On Children

Access to therapeutic interventions, especially school-based support programs, is associated with improved postdivorce adjustment. Perhaps the greatest effort to help children has occurred through programs targeted at parents. A growing number of states are offering (or mandating) education or mediation programs for divorcing parents. Divorce mediation leads to speedier dispute resolution, greater compliance in payment of child support, and greater involvement of the father in the children's lives. Although parties who participate in mediation and in education programs tend to be satisfied with them, there is little evidence to suggest that they benefit children. But absence of evidence is not equivalent to evidence of absence. Evaluation research is acutely needed to improve the efforts to help children whose parents separate.


Allison, Paul, and Frank Furstenberg. "How Marital Dissolution Affects Children: Variations by Age and Sex." Developmental Psychology 25 (1989):540-549.

Amato, Paul. "The Consequences of Divorce for Adults and Children." Journal of Marriage and the Family 62 (2000):1269-1287.

Amato, Paul, and Bruce Keith. "Consequences of Parental Divorce for the Well-Being of Children: A Meta-Analysis." Psychological Bulletin 110 (1991):26-46.

Cherlin, Andrew, P. Lindsay Chase-Lansdale, and Christine McRae. "Effects of Divorce on Mental Health throughout the Life Course." American Sociological Review 63 (1998):239-249.

Emery, Robert. "Divorce Mediation: Negotiating Agreements and Renegotiating Relationships." Family Relations 44 (1995):377-383.

Emery, Robert. Marriage, Divorce, and Children's Adjustment, 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1999.

Grych, John, and Frank D. Fincham. "Interventions for Children of Divorce: Toward Greater Integration of Research and Action." Psychological Bulletin 110 (1992):434-454.

Hetherington, E. Mavis, and W. Glen Clingempeel. Coping with Marital Transitions: A Family Systems Perspective 57 (1992):1-242.

Sweet, James, and Larry Bumpass. "Disruption of Marital and Cohabitation Relationships: A Social Demographic Perspective." In T. Orbuch ed., Close Relationship Loss: Theoretical Perspectives. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1992.

Wallerstein, Judith, and Joan Kelley. Surviving the Breakup: How Children Actually Cope with Divorce. New York: Basic, 1980.

Frank D. Fincham

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Social Issues ReferenceChild Development Reference - Vol 3Divorce - Divorce Rates And Demographics, Impact Of Divorce On Children, Variables That Moderate And Mediate The Impact Of Divorce On Children