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Variables That Moderate And Mediate The Impact Of Divorce On Children

Many variables mediate or moderate the impact of divorce on children, including a conflicted relationship with a parent (especially the custodial parent), inept parenting, postdivorce economic hardship, interparental conflict, inadequate social support, and the number of negative life events experienced (e.g., moving, changing schools). Children who use active coping (e.g., seeking social support) and who do not blame themselves for the separation adjust better than those who cope via distraction or avoidance or who engage in self-blame. An analysis of sixty-three studies suggested that contact with non-custodial fathers who exhibit authoritative parenting is related to beneficial child outcomes. There is mixed evidence on whether parental remarriage benefits children.

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Social Issues ReferenceChild Development Reference - Vol 3Divorce - Divorce Rates And Demographics, Impact Of Divorce On Children, Variables That Moderate And Mediate The Impact Of Divorce On Children