Hispanic Children
Education And Schools
Hispanic children, with the general exception of Cuban Americans, face major challenges in education as they have low rates of educational achievement and high rates of poverty. These difficulties, along with language barriers, are a key factor in Hispanic families having individuals who are less educated and more likely to be underemployed and unemployed. According to U.S. Census estimates for 2000, 44 percent of Hispanics age twenty-five and older do not have a high school diploma.
Debates over the value of bilingual education for Spanish-speaking students continue to be prominent in the United States, with proponents arguing that students learning in English as well as their native language do better academically. Opponents disagree, stating that children living in the United States should be taught in English. The issue of bilingual education is still a well-debated topic and will likely remain a controversial issue for years to come.
Several factors account for some of the challenges faced by Hispanic children and adults in the United States, including discrimination, economic conditions, and language barriers. As the fastest-growing minority population, however, Hispanics are becoming more prominent in political arenas and are making great strides toward increasing employment and educational opportunities. As society addresses the difficulties faced by continued discrimination and poverty, Hispanic children will continue to have
Hispanic families celebrate a variety of cultural holidays and events, and children often play a large role in these events. These children are taking part in the Calle Ocho Parade in Miami, Florida.
Carrasquillo, Angela. Hispanic Children and Youth in the United States:A Resource Guide. New York: Garland, 1991.
Koss-Chioino, Joan, and Luis Vargas. Working with Latino Youth. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1999.
Rodriguez, Gloria. Raising Nuestros Niñ;os: Bringing up Latino Children in a Bicultural World. New York: Fireside, 1999.
U.S. Bureau of the Census. "Census Bureau Facts for Features: Hispanic Heritage Month 2000." In the U.S. Bureau of the Census [web site]. Washington, DC, 2000. Available from http://www.census.gov/Press-Release/www/2000/cb00ff11.html; INTERNET.
Lisa M. Edwards
Additional topics
Social Issues ReferenceChild Development Reference - Vol 4Hispanic Children - Definitions And Terms, Demographic Characteristics, Language, Acculturation And Biculturalism, Education And Schools - Cultural Values