Research And Good Fathering
Since the 1990s, a new body of research on father-hood has emerged that goes beyond the simple dichotomy of presence versus absence to a deeper understanding of the multidimensional levels of parental involvement that make a difference in children's development. There is enough evidence to suggest that positive and nurturing parental involvement can make an important contribution to the healthy development of children. In addition to providing economic resources for their children, positively involved fathers can make a difference in their children's lives by providing options, being a good role model, and helping them to negotiate complex social interactions. Children who grow up with involved,
A father in San Antonio, Texas, feeds his infant son. Fathers' attitudes and reports about their infants and their role as fathers have been found to predict a secure father-infant attachment at twelve months.
Given that almost a quarter of American children live without a father and that most of these children live in poverty, policymakers and others have placed fathers, especially low-income fathers, on the national spotlight. There is, however, little research on how low-income men interact with their children, how parental involvement alters their own developmental trajectories, and what barriers they need to overcome to become positive influences in their children's lives. This type of information will be crucial for researchers who study antecedents of father involvement and impacts on children, but also for policymakers and educators who promote positive father involvement.
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Hetherington, E. M., and S. H. Henderson. "Fathers in Stepfamilies." In Michael E. Lamb ed., The Role of the Father in Child Development, 3rd edition. New York: Wiley, 1997.
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McBride, B. A. "The Effects of a Parent Education/Play Group Program on Father Involvement in Child Rearing." Family Relations 39 (1990):250-256.
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Parke, Ross D. "Father Involvement: A Developmental Psychological Perspective." Marriage and Family Review 29, no. 4 (2000):43-58.
Parke, Ross D., and Armin A. Brott. Throwaway Dads. Boston:Houghton Mifflin, 1999.
Perloff, Janet D., and J. Buckner. "Fathers of Children on Welfare:Their Impact on Child Well-Being." American Journal of Ortho-psychiatry 66 (1996):557-571.
Pleck, E. H. "Paternal Involvement: Levels, Sources, and Consequences." In Michael E. Lamb ed., The Role of the Father in Child Development, 3rd edition. New York: Wiley, 1997.
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U.S. Bureau of the Census. Current Population Reports: Growth in Single Fathers Outpaces Growth in Single Mothers (Series P-20 No. 1344). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1999.
Yongman, M. W., D. Kindlon, and F. Earls. "Father Involvement and Cognitive Behavioral Outcomes of Preterm Infants." Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 343 (1995):58-66.
Natasha J. Cabrera
Additional topics
Social Issues ReferenceChild Development Reference - Vol 3Fathers - History And Background Of Father Involvement, Father Involvement: What Is It And How Is It Measured?