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Failure to Thrive


Failure to thrive in young children represents significantly suboptimal growth due to intrinsic medical (organic) or environmental (nonorganic) factors. Nonorganic failure to thrive in particular represents a recognizable syndrome of poor growth in infants and young children with specific diagnostic features. Nonorganic failure to thrive in early infancy poses a significant risk of adverse long-term developmental effects.


Berwick, D. "Nonorganic Failure to Thrive." Pediatrics in Review 1(1980):265-270.

Berwick, D., J. C. Levy, and R. Kleinerman. "Failure to Thrive: Diagnostic Yield of Hospitalization." Archives of Disease in Childhood 57 (1982):347-351.

Bithoney, William, Howard Dubowitz, and H. Egan. "Failure toThrive/Growth Deficiency."Pediatrics in Review 13 (1992):453-459.

Casey, P. "Failure to Thrive." In M. Levine, W. Carey, and A. Crocker eds., Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1992.

Drotar, D., and L. Sturm. "Prediction of Intellectual Development in Young Children with Early Histories of Nonorganic Failure to Thrive." Journal of Pediatric Psychiatry 13 (1988):281-296.

Frank, D. A., and Susan H. Zeisel. "Failure to Thrive."Pediatric Clinics of North America 35 (1988):1187-1206.

Gahagan, S., and R. Holmes. "A Stepwise Approach to Evaluation of Undernutrition and Failure to Thrive." Pediatric Clinics of North America 45 (1998):169-187.

Ramsay, M., E. Gisel, and M. Boutry. "Nonorganic Failure toThrive: Growth Failure Secondary to Feeding Skills Disorder."Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 35 (1993):285-297.

Schwatrz, I. David. "Failure to Thrive: An Old Nemesis in the New Millennium." Pediatrics in Review 21 (2000):257-264.

Skuse, D., A. Pickles, D. Wolke, and S. Reilly. "Postnatal Growth and Mental Development: Evidence for a 'Sensitive Period."' Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 35 (1994):521-545.

Zenel, Joseph. "Failure to Thrive: A General Pediatrician's Perspective." Pediatrics in Review 18 (1997):371-378.

Jeffrey W. Hull

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Social Issues ReferenceChild Development Reference - Vol 3Failure to Thrive - Organic Versus Nonorganic Failure To Thrive, Diagnosis, Treatment, Long-term Prognosis For Recovery